
Irish Foster Carers Association – Kerry Branch

IFCA are a registered charity in Ireland supporting and training Irish foster families. Ireland has over 5000 children in foster care and over 500 of those are in Kerry. It is an extremely challenging role that families take on to care for children on behalf of the State and each county is given the option to create a branch. In Kerry we have such a branch and we have the following supports offered: 1. Monthly coffee morning for foster carers to meet and support each other 2. Xmas gathering for foster families to meet and enjoy In Kerry we are lucky enough to have great support for family days out and TUSLA incurs the cost of these 3 or 4 times a year. We pay for coffee mornings and Xmas gatherings from our individual Kerry branch bank account held by IFCA head office and this is funded by donations. We currently have €334 in our account. Our coffee mornings are held in the Meadowlands and they very kindly provide us with the room for free so all we pay is approximately €55 per month to cover teas/coffees and scones. This may sound like a very small thing to have but to the people who attend these coffee mornings they are a lifeline offering experience, a shoulder to cry on, advice, support and love. The friendships formed provide ongoing support meaning that more than one family in Kerry continues to care for the children who need it the most.

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