Kerry Community Response Forum was established as an interagency group to coordinate the support for the integration of Ukrainian Refugees into the Kerry community.
There is a wide range of practical and valuable information here outlining the various supports available to Ukrainians residing in Kerry.
Наступна інформація є покроковим посібником
для переміщених українців, які проживають
у графстві Керрі
Члени Форуму реагування громади Керрі та українські працівники міжкультурної підтримки підготували цей покроковий посібник, щоб допомогти та підтримати українців у Керрі.
Це видання містить широкий спектр практичної та корисної інформації.
Було вжито всіх розумних зусиль, щоб гарантувати, що інформація, котра міститься в Покроковому посібнику, є точною на момент публікації. Будь ласка, зверніть увагу, що ця інформація не є юридичною консультацією, і її аспекти можуть бути змінені в майбутньому.
Step by Step Guide for Displaced Ukrainians residing in County Kerry.
Kerry Community Response Forum produced this Step-by-Step Guide to help and support Ukrainians in Kerry.
The publication contains a wide range of practical and valuable information.
All reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure that the information contained within the Step-by-Step Guide is accurate at the time of publication. Please note that the information is not legal advice, and aspects may be subject to change in the future.
Is Treoir chéim ar chéim é an t-eolas seo a leanas
do Úcránaigh easáitithe atá ag cur fúthu
i gContae Chiarraí
B’iad baill d’Fhóram Freagartha Pobail Chiarraí a chuir an Treoirleabhar Céim ar Chéim seo i dtoll a
chéile, agus é mar áis chabhartha agus tacaíochta do Úcránaigh i gCiarraí.
Tá réimse leathan d’fhaisnéis phraiticiúil agus luachmhar san fhoilseachán seo. Tá gach
iarracht réasúnta déanta a chinntiú go bhfuil an fhaisnéis sa Threoirleabhar Céim
Chéim cruinn ag am a fhoilsithe. Tabhair faoi deara, áfach, nach ionann an fhaisnéis
seo agus comhairle dlí, agus go bhféadfadh go n-athróidh gnéithe de amach anseo.
Digital copy of Step-by-Step Guide in 3 language Ukrainian, English and Irish.
для українців, котрі живуть в Керрi
Це видання містить широкий спектр практичної та корисної інформації для українців, які планують переїхати у нове житло або вже переїхали у нове житло скориставшись послугами надання житла під заставу чи орендувавши приватне житло. Проживання та ведення приватного домогосподарства в Ірландії відрізняється від проживання в Україні; тому ми створили низку вказівок, які допоможуть вам у цьому новому досвіді. Було вжито всіх необхідних заходів, щоб інформація в Посібнику із самостійного проживання була точною на момент публікації. Зверніть увагу, що ця інформація не є юридичною консультацією, а її аспекти можуть змінитись в майбутньому.
The publication contains a wide range of practical and valuable information for Ukrainians considering moving to a new accommodation or who have moved to new accommodation through the pledged accommodation services or renting private accommodation. Living in and maintaining a private household in Ireland differs from living in Ukraine; thus, we created a set of guidelines to help you along in this new experience. All reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure that the information in the Independent Living Guide is accurate at publication. Please note that the information is not legal advice, and aspects may be subject to change in the future.
do Úcránaigh atá ina gcónaí i gCiarraí
Tá raon leathan eolais phraiticiúil agus luachmhar san fhoilseachán do Úcránaigh atá ag smaoineamh ar aistriú go cóiríocht nua nó a bhog go cóiríocht nua trí na seirbhísí cóiríochta geallta nó cóiríocht phríobháideach a fháil ar cíos. Tá difríocht idir cónaí agus cothabháil i dteaghlach príobháideach in Éirinn agus cónaí san Úcráin; mar sin, chruthaíomar sraith treoirlínte chun cabhrú leat san eispéireas nua seo. Tá gach iarracht réasúnta déanta lena chinntiú go bhfuil an fhaisnéis sa Treoir Maidir Le Maireachtáil Neamhspleách cruinn tráth foilsithe. Tabhair faoi deara le do thoil nach comhairle dlí í an fhaisnéis, agus d’fhéadfadh gnéithe a bheith faoi réir athraithe sa todhchaí.
Digital Copy of Independent Living Guide 3 languages Ukrainian, English & Irish.
Що робити, якщо хтось помер? Путівник практичних дій для бенефіціарів тимчасового захисту в Ірландії
Форум реагування спільноти Керрі розробила цей практичний посібник для українців у Керрі як джерело інформації та підтримки. Впоратися з важкою втратою дуже складно. Коли Ви починаєте орієнтуватися в практичних аспектах того, що робити, коли хтось помирає, це може стати ще більш стресовим, особливо якщо Ви не знайомі з вимогами ірландської держави та доступною Вам підтримкою. Інформація та кроки викладені в цьому практичному посібнику покликані підтримати, проінформувати та спрямувати Вас у цей емоційно напружений, складний і важкий час.
A PRACTICAL GUIDE For BOTP Ukrainian Residents
A substructure of the Kerry Community Response Form has developed this practical guide for Ukrainains in Kerry as a source of information and support. Dealing with a bereavement is challenging. When you start navigating the practicalities of what to do when someone dies it can become even more stressful, particularly when you are unfamiliar with the requirements of the Irish State and the supports available to you. The information and steps outlined within this practical guide are included to support, inform and direct you at what can be an emotional, challenging and difficult time.
General information
The Government has created a one-stop online portal at which outlines the various supports available to people arriving from the conflict in Ukraine. The portal is also available in Ukranian and Russian.
Citizens Information has created a comprehensive guide for people coming to Ireland from UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, created the for refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons in Ireland. The website is also available in Ukrainian here:
Supporting Children and Young People
Barnardos has published a short guide on how to talk to children about war. See:
Child Protection – TUSLA Information & Contact list
Where there is a Child Protection concern the attached document provides information and contact details for the TUSLA staff that need to be contacted.
Tusla’s Short Guide For Parents Who Are Newly Arrived in Ireland
Please find link to a Guide that has been developed by TUSLA for Parents who are newly arrived in Ireland (English language version) Tusla – Short guide for parents who are newly arrived in Ireland
and please find the following that brings you to the Ukrainian language version of this Guide.
Parents Guide to Childcare in English/Ukrainian/Russian
A Parent’s Guide To Childcare in Ireland
A Parent’s Guide To Childcare In Ireland Ukrainian
A Parent’s Guide To Childcare In Ireland Russian
Access to Health Services
Ukrainian nationals arriving in Ireland will be able to get health care services from the HSE, including access to GPs, community care and hospital or emergency care. See
The HSE National Immunisation Office have developed clinical guidance and patient materials in English, Ukrainian and Russian to support people from Ukraine who require vaccinations. The resources cover vaccines offered to babies, school children, pregnant women, at risk groups and adults. Visit
Mental health supports for Ukrainian nationals
Information on mental health supports for people from Ukraine is now available in Ukrainian, Russian and English.
People arriving from Ukraine have access to a wide range of mental health supports and services. In addition to information resources, mental health promotion and self-help options, we also offer more formalised, person-centered services. These are also available through GP and primary care services.
Department of Health Free Counselling Project
Безкоштовна психотерапія для кожного, чиє життя зачіпають події в Україні
Following on from the successful rollout of free counselling support in 2020 and 2021, we are delighted to partner with the Department of Health, to offer a further 16,500 free sessions in 2022.
As well as those suffering from long-term effects of Covid-19, this project has also been extended to anyone impacted by the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, and those registered to the Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme in affected counties.
All counselling appointments delivered through this project will be provided by MyMind and will be carried out in-person at one of our five centres, online via video call, or by phone. There is no requirement for a GP referral.
Details of the programme
To be eligible for the free counselling sessions you need to be aged 18 or over, living in Ireland, and identify as at least one of the following:
- Having arrived in Ireland from Ukraine in the wake of the ongoing conflict;
- Having family members or loved ones currently based in Ukraine;
- Having suffered a bereavement as a result of the conflict;
- Suffering from mental health issues as a result of events in Ukraine
- Being an owner or occupant of a home in Donegal or Mayo that has been damaged due to the use of defective concrete blocks containing excessive amounts of mica or pyrite;
- Suffering from mental health issues as a result of the impact of defective concrete blocks
- Suffering from Covid-19 related issues;
- Living with long-term chronic illness;
- Working or having worked in sectors that have been significantly disrupted by Covid-19;
- Being a front-line healthcare worker
My Health, My Language – Public Healthcare Information – HSE
Please find link to website My health my language – where you can find videos full of information about the Public Healthcare System and common health topics in 17 languages including Ukrainian and Russian.
Shared to Kerry Community Response Forum by HSE.
Multilingual videos on healthcare in Ireland
The National Social Inclusion Office and Translate Ireland have developed a series of videos entitled “My Health, My Language” to give migrants and international protection applicants information on healthcare in Ireland. The official launch took place on Monday, 27 June.
The 17 multilingual videos are presented by healthcare workers who live and work in Ireland but moved here from abroad. The videos cover 11 health topics, including:
- How to access healthcare
- Dental, eye and hearing treatment
- Contraception services
- Pregnancy services
This information is available in Arabic, Czech, French, Georgian, Irish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Russian, Standard Chinese, Slovak, Somali, Spanish, Ukrainian, Polish, Portuguese and Urdu.
Accessing HIV treatments in Cork and Kerry area.
Please see below bilingual information (Ukr & Eng) in relation to accessing HIV treatments in Cork and Kerry area
Step By Step guide HIV CorkKerry
Ukrainian refugees eligible for temporary Irish driving licences
The National Driver Licence Service, which is operated on behalf of the RSA, will now accept applications for licence exchange from Ukrainian refugees.
An application to exchange a licence can be made in any National Driver Licence Service (NDLS) centre. An appointment to attend an NDLS centre can be booked online or by phone at 0818919090.