
Tidy Tuath

Our organisation group , Tidy Tuath , is passionate about countryside appearance and improvement . Bridges and Signposts are our primary remit . Other interests is overgrowth covering original stone fences and barriers that add value in appearance to In the past I have along with co volunteers washed and cleaned signposts approaching the town of Listowel for the Tidy Towns commitee and carried out some grass cutting and tidying . We want to take our efforts beyond the town and continue similar work as the Tidy Towns volunteers and help to brighten and improve the countryside drive experience by ensuring singposts are clean and visible and bridges are fully tidied by cutting back growth , powerwashing the stone work , sandind and painting ironwork where practical . Examples of bridges in our interest are Gale Bridge on Ballybunion Road , Smearla bridge on Listowel to Duagh road . An example of bridge tidy work we would like to emminate is Lyreacrompane bridge which has been tidied , cleaned and painted . As our base is Listowel Hire Centre , currently we have sufficient equipment to carry out the work .

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Community Gardens
In recent months Community Gardens Ireland presented to an Oireachtas Committee on the huge benefits that come from community growing spaces in Ireland, and how changes are needed to help more communities in..