
Skellig Scéal up

Skellig Sceal Up are a group of interested individuals, who work in many different situations in the south Kerry community, we also have a wide range of expertise and knowledge , which brings together a strong network, that is vibrant and dynamic. We are working towards building a stronger connection between the Iveragh Peninsula (Skellig Coast) and storytelling. There are some groups, using stories and storytelling, but we feel it necessary to have a dedicated group, with storytelling as it’s only remit. 1) Acknowledging the history of the Irish folklore commission, which began its life, at the fireside of Sean O’Connaill’s house in Cill Rialaig. 2) Collecting all our folklore, literature and stories into one relevant library. 3) Running Professional storytelling courses at all levels and for different demographics. 4) Encouraging and experimenting with a professional level of performance. 5) Making strong connections and collaborations with other interested parties. We are some great projects with individual performers planned and hope to include the wider community, throughout Iveragh. We also hope to bring interested parties to Iveragh with a view to creating a strong storytelling community, both in person and online.

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