
Listowel Business & Community Alliance

The involvement of business and community groups in Listowel in the promotion of the economic, social, and cultural welfare of the whole community. • To represent the town in dealings with the statutory bodies and other agencies in seeking, when considered necessary, technical, financial (including grant aid) and other assistance in the promotion and development of the town. • To set up sub-committees as required to develop initiatives and projects in the town. • To provide a communications and networking structure amongst businesses and groups in • the town. • To undertake needs analysis and develop an action plan for the promotion and development of the town under the strategic themes of Infrastructure, Tourism, Enterprise and Retail. • To oversee the development and implementation of a marketing strategy and plan for the town.

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Community Gardens
In recent months Community Gardens Ireland presented to an Oireachtas Committee on the huge benefits that come from community growing spaces in Ireland, and how changes are needed to help more communities in..