A new inter-agency group has been established in Kerry to provide support and advice to businesses during the COVID-19 public health emergency. The group is today launching a new business support helpline which will be available to anyone in the retail, tourism, manufacturing, constructions, services and other industries as a source of information and advice.


The inter-agency group also includes representatives of Fáilte Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Kerry Education and Training Board, Udarás na Gaeltachta and the local development companies, South Kerry Development Partnership, IRD Duhallow and North East and West Kerry Development.


The new helpline is now available on 1800 807 102and will be available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Director of Services for Economic Development with Kerry County Council, Mike Scannell, said the new committee recognises that the Kerry economy is being severely impacted by the COVID-19 emergency and will work with businesses in Kerry through the current challenges.


‘Further to the government’s National Action Plan on COVID-19, Kerry County Council initiated a series of meetings with key stakeholders and business leaders in the county. The new inter-agency group which has followed from that is focussed on supporting businesses through the current climate and also beginning to chart how the business sector can recover when restrictions ease and the worst of this emergency is behind us.


‘We want to ensure that the correct and most appropriate information is available to businesses and will coordinate the assignment of the most appropriate sources of support to business in need of assistance. So this new helpline is an important first step and our group will be looking at other meaningful and practical steps we can lead out on to help the economic recovery in Kerry over the coming months and years,’ he said.