Castleisland-Corca Dhuibhne

Milltown Heritage & Tourisim Group

Aims • Develop a Heritage Trail showcasing all historial and geological sites of interst in the areas local to Milltown e.g. Mass Rock, White Church, The Abbey, Megalithic monuments such Killaclohane • Increase tourists and visitors to the area • Increase business and sustainability / job creation • Create awareness of the importance of Milltown in geological and historical terms. • Bring the community together Activities • Information has been written up regarding sites for inclusion in the trail • Photos are compiled of the sites • We are currently collation information regarding drafting a leaflet to publicise the Milltown Trail. • Putting together ideas re design of the Information Display Panels. Achievements We are a newly formed group, therefore have no achievements yet to report. However, we hope to be able to report that we have received funding from KCC to fund the 4 Information Display Panels in and around Milltown publicising the Trail and inviting people to come and spend time in the area rather than just driving through.

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